Respiratory protection

Respiratory protection shall provide the user with sufficient breathable air or gas in hazardous environments.

Respiratory protection is the final step in the protection hierarchy and should only be deployed when a completed risk assessment has found that there is a need for it.

3M Svenska AB

Head protection, eye and face protection, hearing protection, respiratory protection, fall protection, respiratory protection training, fall protection training

Ahlsell Norge AS

Head protection, eye and face protection, hand and arm protection, protective work clothes, first aid (incl. eyewash), hearing protection, respiratory protection, foot and leg protection, fall protection, skincare products

Ahlsell Sverige AB

Head protection, eye and face protection, hand and arm protection, protective work clothes, first aid (incl. eyewash), hearing protection, respiratory protection, foot and leg protection, fall protection, skincare products,respiratory protection training, fall protection training


Head protection, eye and face protection, hand and arm protection, protective work clothes, first aid (incl. eyewash), hearing protection, respiratory protection, foot and leg protection, fall protection, skincare products

Dräger Sverige AB

Head protection, eye and face protection, respiratory protection, respiratory protection training

Interspiro AB

Respiratory protection

MSA Nordic AB

Head protection, eye and face protection, hearing protection, respiratory protection, fall protection, gas meter

Procurator AB

Respiratory protection, fall protection, first aid, hand and arm protection, head protection, hearing protection, protective work clothes, eye and face protection, respiratory protection training, fall protection training


Head protection, eye and face protection, hand and arm protection, protective work clothes, first aid (incl. eyewash), hearing protection, respiratory protection, foot and leg protection, fall protection, skincare products

Sundström Safety AB

Respiratory protection

Techtronic Industries AB

Head protection, eye and face protection, hand and arm protection, protective work clothes, first aid, hearing protection, respiratory protection, fall protection

Tiki Safety AB

Respiratory protecton

TOOLS Sverige AB

Head protection, eye and face protection, hand and arm protection, protective work clothes, first aid (incl. eyewash), hearing protection, respiratory protection, foot and leg protection, fall protection, skincare products, fall protection training

Zekler Safety AB

Zekler is a Swedish premium brand that redefines safety within head, hearing, eye and respiratory protection. We’re working with technical protective gear above the neck for professional users.

The industry organization for producers, importers, wholesalers and retailers training companies for personal protective equipment.

NSA, Box 22 307, 104 22 Stockholm | Telefon: +46 (0)708-97 67 56

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